Short Fiction
“Jockey for Women,” in the Algonquin Roundtable Review, Issue No. 2, Summer 2000. Won second prize in the Ottawa Independent Writers’ short story contest in 1996.
“It Must Have Been the Sherry,” in the crime anthology Cottage Country Killers, edited by Vicki Cameron and Linda Wiken. General Store Publishing House, 1997. Copies are still available! Click here to order.
Personal Essays and Profiles
“Beating a Tattoo of Hope in a COVID-19 World,” The Valley Gazette, May 13, 2020.
“No Matter the Season, Where There’s Smoke…A Cautionary Tale,” The Valley Gazette, January 1, 2020.
“My Not-so-near-death Brush with an IED,” The Valley Gazette, August 29, 2018.
The “Camp Auntie Brenda” Series: a series of articles recounting the individual visits of my young niece and nephew (and in one instance a couple of dogs), who each came for a week of outdoor adventure with me:
“Camp Auntie Brenda is Back in Session!” Barry’s Bay This Week, September 8, 2010.
“Camp Auntie Brenda Goes to the Dogs,” Barry’s Bay This Week, September 30, 2009.
“Camp Auntie Brenda Beats the Rain Odds,” Barry’s Bay This Week, September 8, 2009.
“Child of the Yukon,” a personal essay about a white-water canoe trip down the Yukon’s Bonnet Plume River, in Canoeroots, Summer/Fall 2009..
“Transformed by a Tragedy,” a personal essay about the disappearance of my two dogs, in Barry’s Bay This Week, April 23, 2008.
“Transformed by a Triathlon,” a personal essay about my participation in the Barry’s Bay Triathlon, in Barry’s Bay This Week, July 11, 2007.
“A Butterfly Awakens,” a profile of local massage therapist Sue Coulas, in Barry’s Bay This Week, May 16, 2007.
“Nightmare Bear?” a personal essay about an Algonquin Park bear encounter, in the Canadian Wildlife Federation magazine Canadian Wildlife, Vol. 10, No. 5, March 2005.
“The Clean Water Dream,” a profile of Ottawa paddler Max Finkelstein, in the Canadian Recreational Canoeing Association magazine Kanawa, Fall 1990.